Know Thy Astrology Signs!
Always Astrology is designed to guide you through a journey of self discovery. By understanding all the different Astrology Signs in your birth chart you can make the most of your talents and skills, as well as overcome any weaknesses, so you may grow to your utmost potential.
Astrology Signs Compatibility:
Compatibility interpretations can act as a guideline when you are seeking someone in your life. The different Astrology Signs all have characteristics which will help them get along with some signs, and not get on so well with others. While everyone is blessed with their own individuality, these general guidelines provided on Always Astrology can prove helpful in many cases.
Although compatibility recommendations are most frequently used when people are searching for a romantic partner, they can also use these recommendations when dealing with family members, coworkers, friends and instructors. They can help us deal more effectively with everyone in our lives.
Learn Astrology:
Are you new to Astrology? Wondering what it all means? The section Learn Astrology will provide the basics to get you started; includes interpretations of all the Zodiac Signs.
Free Birth Chart:
Use our free online Birth Chart Calculator and discover your personal map of the heavens.
Rising Signs:
A Rising Sign is said to be the mask one wears in public… it is the first... read more about Rising Signs and then calculate and interpret your own Rising Sign - Ascendant.
Astrology Love Signs:
Love is the answer and Venus the teacher! Read your Love Sign or look up your Love Compatibility.
Chinese Astrology Signs:
Unlike Western Astrology Signs; Chinese Astrology Signs are based on cycles of years, months and two-hour portions of the day. The more about the Chinese Astrology Signs. Look up and read your Animal Sign and then move on to extensive interpretations of all the Chinese Astrology Signs' Compatibility
Astrology Mercury Signs:
Unemotional and curious; Mercury looks for opportunity to act. It more about Mercury and your Mercury Sign.
Astrology Mars Signs:
Mars Signs will show how sex is approached, from cool... read more about Mars and Mars Signs , then calculate and interpret your own Mars Sign.
Jupiter Signs:
In the overall scheme of things, Jupiter Signs are associated with luck and good fortune. Find and read your Jupiter Sign
Saturn Signs:
Just like listening to your parents, our Saturn Sign is out to teach us mastery over our lives...Learn more about Saturn and Saturn Signs in the Birth Chart, and then calculate and read your Saturn Sign.
Midheaven Signs:
Your Midheaven Sign should give you some insight into what you need to realize your full place in life. You also must consider any... read more about the Midheaven signs and then calculate and read the interpretion for your Midheaven Sign.
Psychic Sabian Symbols in Astrology Learn about the Psychic Sabian Symbols used in astrology and then look up any Symbol using our Sabian Symbols Finder
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