Cancer-Leo Cusp -
Your Sun Sign Personality

Vigo-Libra cusp

July 19 to July 24
Persons born on the Cancer-Leo Cusp can be a bit volatile, swinging quickly from one extreme to another. Movement of one sort or another is familiar to them; physical movement, emotional movement… it is all one and the same to them. They often appear shy one minute and then they are stealing the spotlight the next.

Combining Fire and Water together in a Cancer-Leo Cusp makes for an interesting study. Their vibrant energy is tempered by emotional sensitivity. In turn, their emotions are tempered by the intense ambition they have. They are graceful and strong. Both attributes serve them well.

The fastest way to success for Cancer-Leo is to even out their highs and lows. Learning to maintain stability can pay off for them in a big way. Self-discipline can be attained without losing their spontaneity. By finding their calm center, they can remain confident in themselves.

Cancer-Leo is sensitive to criticism. They may come across as so self-assured that they appear to be living in a fantasy world. They have a strong affinity to food. Imaginative in the kitchen, they can work miracles with a meal. They enjoy pleasure and social gatherings. They don't care to be alone most of the time. They are devoted to their partner. They are generous and creative in their relationships with others. They are good at empathizing with their loved ones.

The Cusp of Oscillation creates people who are traditional, nurturing, flamboyant, ambitious, sensitive, proud, creative, expressive, inspiring, cheerful, practical, romantic, passionate, realistic, generous and emotional. They may also suffer from self-centeredness, hyper-sensitivity, and have dependency issues.

Cancer-Leo may be an intellectual genius or they may be unscrupulous. They have excellent memories. They don't forget any detail… ever. They are fair, and will stand by both friend and foe in times of struggle. At the same time, they may have trouble letting go of grudges or slights they feel, whether real or imagined.

This sign can conflict with Cancer's need for solitude and Leo's need to be the center of attention. If they can reach a comfortable balance, they will be much happier. Since both signs are affectionate and devoted, this rarely causes disruption unless they stray from their partner. Both signs hold family dear and love to spend time in their home. While Leo can stand up to some emotional bruising, Cancer cannot. They may be hurting deep inside and putting on a brave face. While Cancer makes their presence known through their works, Leo likes to make a splash. Those born on the Cancer-Leo Cusp may end up somewhere in between… shy with a bit of flamboyance. Both like to be in control, so this sign may end up trying to run the lives of their family members.

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