Chiron Signs in the Birth Chart

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Aries Chiron Sign

Aries Chiron Sign

Chiron in Aries affects the sense of self. They may find themselves on a voyage of self-discovery or need to overcome feelings of worthlessness when Chiron is placed here. Chiron deals with healing, so they may need to discover ways of healing themselves. This sign is associated with headaches, head wounds and other injuries in this area. They may need to deal with an actual physical injury like these or it could be a psychological wound to their sense of self. If they look at themselves they will see their worth. They need to assert themselves and track their accomplishments… take charge in order to heal themselves. They will learn to value themselves and how to care for themselves. They'll find that once they value themselves, others will too.


Taurus Chiron Sign

Taurus Chiron Sign

Chiron in Taurus reflects a wound of neglect. At some point in life, they felt that they didn't get enough of something, whether it was material things, or emotional, mental or spiritual attention. They feel unfulfilled and undernourished in some way. It all boils down to their sense of worth. Many people shop to fill these kinds of voids… to heal they need to look beyond this quick fix to their inner need. They shouldn't deny themselves the simple pleasures of life… they need to learn to value themselves and treat themselves the way they want others to treat them. Love is all around. They were born to love and be loved. If they learn to value themselves, others will value them also. They should take time for introspection.


Gemini Chiron Sign

Gemini Chiron Sign

Chiron in Gemini deals with communication and the nervous system. They may need healing for the way they communicate. Maybe they are terribly shy or maybe they feel no one listens to them. Perhaps they feel unable to communicate clearly enough or feel they are not as smart as those around them. Whatever the problem, they need to take the time to learn how to overcome it. They should take some time and list the things they are very knowledgeable about. This will give them more confidence. They should spend time researching. They could practice speaking or writing in order to communicate their ideas. Chiron's gift should be used to broaden their horizons in ways they didn't think was possible.


Cancer Chiron Sign

Cancer Chiron Sign

Chiron in Cancer may feel like an outsider. They may feel unwanted, un-nurtured and unloved. On the good side, they are very nurturing themselves. It is difficult for them to let others care for them. They may give to everyone except themselves. They may end up taking in every stray that crosses their path. They need to learn to give to themselves and cherish their own needs. This helps balance them and make them whole. Opening themselves up to accept love and care from others is a big step towards healing that inner hurt. If they can learn to indulge themselves once in awhile, they will begin to realize what they have been missing all along.


Leo Chiron Sign

Leo Chiron Sign

Chiron in Leo feels that their talents have been overlooked. Perhaps they feel they never got the chance to shine, or maybe they feel awkward or untalented. They have the gift to help others bring out their own creativity. The difficulty they have expressing their own talents may stem from being stifled as a child or forced to perform by their families. In order to help overcome these feelings, Chiron in Leo needs to find a way to touch their inner child and reawaken their creativity. It may help to do some creative play with their own children or to find a class that they find interesting. The unrealized potential is there, right below the surface.


Virgo Chiron Sign

Virgo Chiron Sign

Chiron in Virgo will usually have some kind of health issues to contend with. They may feel there are things wrong that can never be healed. This combination can end up being overly critical or obsessed with tiny details. They may also just give up and live in chaos. They may become hypochondriacs or neglect their own health. They must learn to deal with imperfection. This can be very difficult for them. On the positive side, Chiron and Virgo understand each other. They may be able to heal not only others, but themselves. Volunteering or working in health care may help them to develop a realistic approach to healing and turn them to a holistic approach so they can treat the whole person.


Libra Chiron Sign

Libra Chiron Sign

Chiron in Libra suggests a relationship that needs to be healed, or maybe they got hurt or rejected in a relationship. Learning to ground themselves may help them deal with their sensitivity. They may get caught up in a codependent relationship or be abused. They may feel that every relationship they have goes wrong. By learning that they are whole on their own can come as a great relief. They create more balance by learning this lesson. Chiron in Libra may also learn that a partner can help them heal in some way. One of the lessons that may be learned with this combination is that conflict may lead to a greater sense of intimacy.


Scorpio Chiron Sign

Scorpio Chiron Sign

Chiron in Scorpio may find their gifts of empathy and psychic ability are improved through their experiences. They may find that they grow in wisdom through the transformative experiences of life like birth and death. They may suffer a great loss in some way early in life or feel that something inside has died. They may be afraid of their own power or feel powerless. This makes them want to cover up their feelings of inadequacy with false bravado. They may worry endlessly about losing their possessions or loved ones. They can learn a valuable lesson to appreciate life, and that by losing something or someone, you can still become richer by what you have. They may become rather preoccupied with loss if they are not cautious. They can help others through their grief or stress with their great understanding in this area.


Sagittarius Chiron Sign

Sagittarius Chiron Sign

Chiron in Sagittarius is indicative of a break with traditions or spiritual teachings that may cause pain. Life may seem like one long continuous spiritual crisis. They may decide that atheism or fundamentalism is what is right for them. They may feel they have no deep understanding or wisdom. It is common for them to feel that they are meant for glory but that something went terribly wrong. Depending on how Chiron and Sagittarius are situated, those with this combination may not listen to advice in those areas, such as finances, for example, or relationships. When they are modest about their knowledge, they will be more trustworthy when giving advice. Chiron in Sagittarius may feel confined in a mundane existence. By realizing that there is wisdom in their own heart, they will begin to heal.


Capricorn Chiron Sign

Capricorn Chiron Sign

Chiron in Capricorn may be a workaholic in order to prove their self-worth. They were often rejected in some manner during childhood. They may feel ignored or unrecognized. They may spend their time organizing and trying to control everything. They could also go the other way and resist organization in any way, shape or form. They often feel they are working harder than everyone else to no avail. They feel a need for respect and status so much that they lose sight and don't stop to enjoy any of their accomplishments. To learn this lesson, they need to know how to acknowledge their own value. If they stop and make note of their achievements, they will see that they already have status.


Aquarius Chiron Sign

Aquarius Chiron Sign

Chiron in Aquarius may feel uncomfortable in large groups. This may stem from feeling different when they were young. Social rejection makes them want to withdraw from the public and stay only with those with the same interests. They may feel disconnected or isolated. They don't fit in. They have a real talent for helping others express themselves. They may find themselves only interested in new ideas or stuck resolutely to the old. To learn this lesson in healing, they need to learn to be themselves and cherish their differences. This can be a tough lesson, as it is difficult for some to be comfortable in their skin. Taking part in groups that encourage the expression of individuality can help them integrate this lesson.


Pisces Chiron Sign

Pisces Chiron Sign

Chiron in Pisces is always in crisis. This is a universal level crisis, nothing small ever hits this combination. They may be religious or spiritual crises that keep this combination in a tizzy. They may be at risk for depression or drug use. They may feel they have lost faith with the universe. They may feel guilty even though there is no reason to feel that way. They may play the victim. They have an innate ability to attract those down on their luck and they try their best to help. They need clarity. Disillusionment and betrayal can make life seem harsh. They must learn that sometimes things happen for a reason. By examining their problems, they may find deeper insight and connection.

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