Juno Signs in the Birth ChartChoose your Juno Sign from the menu below or scroll down the page. Aries Juno Sign![]() Juno in Aries needs their own autonomy. If they don't get that in a relationship they may end up with migraines or other physical displays of upset. They tend to be attracted to partners that are aggressive or dominant. While they want their own freedom, they also want a mate who will be an authority figure. They may see their partners as someone to compete with. They like to go adventuring together. They may need to learn how to develop balance in their relationships so both partners can pursue their own needs. Taurus Juno Sign![]() Juno in Taurus wants a sturdy relationship built out of material security and loyalty. They want someone reliable and trustworthy who knows the value of a dollar. They want a harmonious relationship at home that will last a lifetime. They enjoy a sensual relationship and truly want to share their goals with their partner. They are dedicated and faithful forever, and they expect the same from their partner. They may be possessive or controlling or attract these same qualities in their partner. They are willing to stand up for their ideals as long as they have a steadfast partner at their side. Gemini Juno Sign![]() Juno in Gemini needs a partner who can communicate with them. They want a partner who is expressive and mentally stimulating. They like to share activities together. Sometimes they prefer to have multiple relationships instead of just one; conversely they may prefer friendship to commitment. They like to play. Relationships may end up with one partner being more advanced in education or socially while the other is more dependent. They may also see their partner as capable of pursuing their own dreams. When they can't communicate clearly they may get nervous and high strung. They need to clear up all misunderstandings right away and be able to have clear communication at all times to be happy. Cancer Juno Sign![]() Juno in Cancer needs emotional intimacy and a warm home environment. They nurture others by feeding them good food. They are attracted to partners who are nurturing and caring. They may appear to be dependent upon them or to be clingy or moody. They may use emotional blackmail to get what they feel they deserve. They can often manipulate others in very subtle ways. They feel strongly that justice must be served. They want a partner who is traditional and values the home and family. They like to care for their family and be cared for in return. They feel a strong need to commit to their relationship with all their might. They may need a lot of attention and may feel unfulfilled if their needs are not met. They are highly committed and loyal. Leo Juno Sign![]() Juno in Leo wants romance and excitement to be happy. They want a partner they can be proud of and who will admire them as well. They don't like to feel ignored or rejected. They can become rather selfish or use inappropriate means of getting attention. They like things to be equal. They are natural showmen and want to share the spotlight. They feel strongly towards their mates. They may be arrogant or immature and rather bossy. They can also be very generous and loving. They are decisive and seldom change their minds once they are made up. Virgo Juno Sign![]() Juno in Virgo has high expectations in their partners, as they do in everything else. They will organize their relationships and expect them to remain efficient. They want perfection, and if their partner can't reach that pinnacle they may be overly critical. They are attracted to partners who are efficient and oriented to the tasks at hand. They have their own sense of justice. They appreciate a partner who is ultra clean and who is unassuming when in public. Health is very important to them, so they want a partner who is also interested in healthy habits. They want stability, and in return will be loyal to the end. Libra Juno Sign![]() Juno in Libra wants balance and equality in their relationships. They want someone who will share the chores of making decisions and who will consult with them on everything. They are attracted to good manners and an attractive appearance. They want them to share their interests in social activities and artistic things. They love romance. They tend to become competitive when the relationship becomes unbalanced. Scorpio Juno Sign![]() Juno in Scorpio needs an intense relationship with a lot of deep intimacy and sex. They may become manipulative and jealous, using sex as a way to control their partner. They want passion, loyalty and strength. They may be possessive, and must learn to trust over time. They like mystery and power. They may be demanding or high maintenance. Once they are won over, they are loyal and dedicated, though they may always be a bit suspicious. Sagittarius Juno Sign![]() Juno in Sagittarius wants intellectual stimulation in a relationship. They also want to share their belief system. They want a travel buddy and love adventures. Liberal and philosophical, they may be outspoken or competitive. They like independence and personal freedom, so a relationship with someone who wants a partner night and day would not work well with them. They want a shared camaraderie that will support each other's freedom and yet strengthen their commitment. They prefer sports, law, philosophy and the outdoors. Capricorn Juno Sign![]() Juno in Capricorn is committed and traditional. They may base their relationship more on social expectations than on sharing their emotions. They want someone who is practical and good at organizing. They are not overly emotional. They are conservative and responsible and expect the same from their partners. They want someone they can trust. They are very loyal once they commit to someone. They may marry later in life. They are very captivating to the right person, in an earthy way. Aquarius Juno Sign![]() Juno in Aquarius wants a relationship that gives them their freedom. They are rather unconventional and may prefer open marriages or other alternatives. They may also remain single yet enjoy the whole "friend with benefits" concept. They aren't necessarily for equality in a relationship. They may either play the adoring mate or want their partner to be subservient to them. They appreciate eccentricity in their partner. They are progressive and friendly instead of passionate. They may be rather insecure at times. They are spontaneous and impulsive. They want someone who understands them and their needs and goals. Pisces Juno Sign![]() Juno in Pisces wants a special, spiritual bond. They want to share their ideals with their partner. They are attracted to those who are intuitive or sensitive. They enjoy sharing music, spirituality and poetry. They tend to withdraw when they are frustrated or want to escape into a fantasy world. They can use their subtle charms to manipulate others to their way of thinking. They may play the victim in some cases. They may use their imagination to create the perfect partner. They are very emotional and may have a problem dealing the world's harsh realities. Return from Juno Signs back to Asteroids or
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